Set in the 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi “The Help” is a truly unforgettable story based on three inspiring women: Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson and Skeeter Phelan. Aibileen and Minny are the two primary women representing "the help”. But we soon learn that these two women are not alike, and as a result, they hint at the diversity of women who do serve as "the help" in Jackson. We are then introduced to the courageous Skeeter Phelan. Miss Skeeter is a 23-year-old white woman with a cotton trust fund and a college degree. She devotes herself, at considerable risk, to a book featuring the real stories of the black women who work for the white families in her hometown of Jackson.
I truly felt a connection with the characters of the Help. I empathised with each character and found all of them inspiring in a unique way. Aibileen Clark was the character I could relate to the most. I wanted to sit in her kitchen and listen to as many stories as she had to tell. I wanted to hear her laughter whilst gossiping on the phone with Minny, but most of all I wanted to comfort her when I learned about the tragedy that was brought upon her son, Treelore.
Ms.Stockett presented the unjust life of segregation. But, we have to accept it happened and it is real as our history today.
The author really forced me to think about not only what racial differences have done to our history, but to also consider women’s roles in American history. What stuck with me throughout my read is the truth that a woman’s heart and her love for others has nothing to do with the colour of her skin, the family she derives from or to amounts of money she may or may not possess. “A woman’s heart is like no other and a mother’s heart is expansive as the sea itself”
A very effective writing technique used in this novel was the way in which the dialogue was written. It was written in a way to capture the pure essence of the southern American accent. “Y’all holler for me if you need me” In my opinion this was the most effective writing technique used in the novel.
In my opinion Ms. Stockett’s outlook is optimistic. She reminded us the fundamental truths but towards the end of the novel highlighted them in a bright way as if positively hoping that someday racism will not be an issue.
If our class got the opportunity to read this inspiring novel, I think all the values, insights and morals will stick with all my classmates and have a significant impact on their life.
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