Saturday, 22 October 2011

Will I be going to a work experience?

Now forget about me being stressed about mini-company because right now that's not my top priority. I don't have a work experience....for November. YES THAT'S RIGHT!! The 14th - 18th of November! That's about three weeks away.. I'm not going to lie I'm starting to panic.

It's not that I haven't tried because to be honest I'm tired of e-mailing, calling, writing letters and waiting to hear back from different establishments.. who NEVER write back!! Its constant rejection... I am very emotional really.. :L I've emailed AND written letters to magazines, newspapers, colleges, arts colleges, hospitals, veterinary hospitals, Doctor practices, and media stations.

But on the bright side I just heard back from The Irish Times that I was "successful in achieving a work placement for February!" YAY! :D I am so happy! But I have to push all my excitement away and focus that energy in getting a decent work experience for November!!

Will let you know if ANYTHING comes up.. :(

- Aoife xoxo


  1. you got the irish times for february :! congratulations aoife :D

  2. aawh! thanks hannah! so excited for it!! :D x
